Sunny C.'s review of StarKart


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Review Posted 5/10/2016
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StarKart Blatantly Beached thier own contract. Consumenr going after them for non performance. Return of Payments
Starkart 1891 Goodyear Ave Suite 620 Ventura Ca 93003 866-767-3238 StarKart Breach of Contract This notice is to inform the party, StarKart, of the intention to press for suit for breach of contract In which, the offended party, Arleen from Florida, is seeking refund resolution. On August 3rd, 2015, Ms. Andalia contracted for advertisements to be displayed in the placards of shopping cards at the Bed, Bath, & Beyond at the location of 1837 NE Pine Island Rd Blvd Cape Coral Florida. It was made clear, and furthered by assurance of implied contract that Ms. Andalia’ advertisement for her business would be displayed on no less than 100 carts or 80% of the existing carts for (8) 4 week cycles a term of October 19th 2015 – April 3rd 2016 without fail. The contract for services, (attached), with StarKart was executed on August 3rd 2016 whereby a payment of $930 was drafted from Ms. Andalia’s credit card. The term of contract was to begin on October 19th 2015. A Second Payment of $930 was drafted from Ms Andalias’ credit card Septmeber 3rd 2015. Ms. Andalia first visited on the site in agreement on October 19th 2015. She observed that the number of agreed upon placards was incorrect which should have been 100 carts or 80% of the existing carts she photographed only 40 carts having her advertisement. Ms. Andalia contacted Star Kart on October 20th, 21st, 22nd and informed them of the shortfall and was assured by your company that the problem would be rectified. October 25th Ms Andalia spoke to Joel Rosen and the Vise president who offered extended ads to the interior of the baskets in all the carts starting January 2016. Arleen informed Starkart that she would not release another payment for unsatisfactory services. And that Starkart although was offering more ads was not willing to put it into writing. Ms. Andalia visited the agreed upon location on November 25th and personally counted each cart bearing the advertisement placards. The number, by her reckoning, was 4 total out of 60 total carts present. On this date there were little to No advertisements belonging to Ms. Andalia, all advertisements were that of Bed Bath & Beyond. Ms. Andalia once again contacted your agency and was told that there were black-out dates during Thanksgiving and X-Mass where Ms. Andalia would have no ads. The contract agreement has no language of black- out dates whereby the Offended would have no ads during the most probable times for people to shop. Ms. Andalia further took the step of photographing the carts and location. The following 5 subsequent visits to the location from November 2015- April 2016 revealed further failure of satisfaction by StarKart, despite assurances, Ms. Andalia terminated her payments to StarKart on October 22nd 2015 through her credit card. Star Kart was deceptive and mis- leading as to the amount and duration of the ad placement. StarKart displayed no accountability for performance or lack thereof.
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Ventura, CA 93003
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